Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Here ya go- a little one for today.
Getting my mind wrapped around the idea of another winter storm hitting here starting tonight  thru Friday- anywhere from 1-12 inches of snow. We are forecasted for 6-8 inches in our area, at least at the moment. So tired of this.
I am taking care of a friends 2 dogs while he is gone this week, so will have to venture out in the storm for that- yucks, hate the thought. Me and LOTS of snow on the roads don't mix real well! I hate driving in deep snow or icy roads. It's called being a "CHICKEN"!
 Well going to watch my show "Criminal Minds".
Hugs Donna

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My layouts........These are pictures of My life~~My joys~~~My
treasures~~My everything!.
Doing these pages has relieved my stress somedays, helped
heal my heart on days that I think it is going to break, but
most of all I remember My wonderful family, friends, and
life. I'm hoping that these pictures will bring some joy to
others in the years to come and they too will remember the
good times and "yes" even the not so good times!