Thursday, July 24, 2014
Another one for you all. This is so me, at least part of the time! LOL
Jim is back to work after a few days off and I have been getting some odd and ends done around here. Cleaned my front porch off this after noon, haven't set out there for a bit and it needed to be sweep off, lots of dust from the street and leaves. We have been sitting on the back deck the last few morning having our morning coffee. Rhonda and I went over and visited mom for a couple hours this morning. Had a great visit and got a few of her pictures hung up for her that we hadn't done yet since she went to her trailer and got a few more of her things.
With all the rain that we had last month, it is dry here, we need rain badly, Our yards are all turning brown. It looks like it's clouding up out side now, cross your fingers for us, maybe we will get some this afternoon.
I have been digging up and transplanting some of my hostas, so have had to water them every day. I put them in my front yard along the front of the house, and we got two new bushes for there too.
See how brown our grass is getting?  Well. better go and get supper started. Have a great weekend everyone. HUgs

1 comment:

  1. ROFLMAO at this one...yep, it will get used a lot too! Thanks a lot. Hugs, Mat




My layouts........These are pictures of My life~~My joys~~~My
treasures~~My everything!.
Doing these pages has relieved my stress somedays, helped
heal my heart on days that I think it is going to break, but
most of all I remember My wonderful family, friends, and
life. I'm hoping that these pictures will bring some joy to
others in the years to come and they too will remember the
good times and "yes" even the not so good times!