Good Morning- I guess I was thinking about our Cabin up north and all of us heading up there next week, when I did this wordart up! It for sure is in the woods and all alone out there!!! There are other cabins scattered around out there, most within a mile or so from us. But we aren't by a lake, it's used for 4-wheeling and for Deer Hunting. We are in the boonies!!!!!
Today all us woman are taking the kids to the Minn zoo, we can get another peek at the grizzly Bears (we got to see them last time we were there), heard that there were baby moose and also baby leopards born this year. Hopefully we can get close enough to these babies to get a good look at them. I have my cameras ready to go!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both of them.
Well, better go and get dressed and think about what we are going to pack for lunch at the zoo and get that done. Have a great day everyone!
oh what FUN!! sure hope you have a GREAT time at the zoo!!! and take LOTS of photos!!hehe Thank you for sharing the cabin wa!!! :) Have a FUN day!