Good Morning
-Another early morning- Yesterday I ended up crawling into my recliner and going back to sleep for another hour and a half after I posted on here! Hopefully I don't do that this morning. LOL
It's raining again this morning and they say the rain the last few days is starting to catch us up on our total rain fall for the year, we might not be in the drought level after this week!! That's good to hear- just in time for winter!!!!
I'm going to have to get up town and get some more corn on the cob before the farmers are done selling it, it would be nice to have it at least one more time. That fresh stuff is so gooooooooooooood! The StateFair is starting here in the next week and the food is the main attraction for people when they go to that. We haven't been there for years, and I don't think we'll be going this year either. We have our town celebration coming up here soon-
"Jessie James Days" and we get Tons of people coming into town for that, We're talking a few thousand extra people over the week event! Those of us who live here usually try to leave town while this is going on and let the visitors have the town for that week! Isn't that weird?
I'm sure those of you that follow Football know that we have a new player on the Vikings Team------------- We get to see how he does tonight!!!!!!
Let me know what you think.
On this note i'm going to sign off and go pour myself a cup of coffee.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 3 post on Aug. 21, 2009. Thanks again.