Thursday, March 29, 2012

Freebie for Today Ok I seen this and had to make a wordart of it! I did it on a tablet paper and also without the paper for those of you who don't want the paper tablet. If your going to just print it out and hang it some where the tablet is nice- if your going to put it on a scrap page you might not want the tablet background
Spending the day playing on computer, doing some wordart and going to try to get a scrapbook page or two done.

It's sunny, but cool and windy out, not a good day to be puttering out side.

Jim is working and I got most of my house work done yesterday, so all I have to worry about getting done is a load of laundry and supper.
i think tonight it's just going to be hamburgers and maybe some soup.





My layouts........These are pictures of My life~~My joys~~~My
treasures~~My everything!.
Doing these pages has relieved my stress somedays, helped
heal my heart on days that I think it is going to break, but
most of all I remember My wonderful family, friends, and
life. I'm hoping that these pictures will bring some joy to
others in the years to come and they too will remember the
good times and "yes" even the not so good times!