Saturday, January 24, 2015
This is what I would love to be doing all weekend, but it isn't happening. Maybe a little bit tomorrow. We are suppose to be getting  a few inches of snow tonight, so after the shoveling and snowblowing is done maybe I will curl up with a good book.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Hugs Donna

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow...this is exactly what I am doing especially today! ROFL! I worked all last week for my CPA, sure is hard to get back into a daily routine after a whole year at my leisure! LOL! Anyhow, soon as I finish my little blog reads, grab another cup of coffee, my Kindle and staying in my jammies all day...resting! Thank you for sharing this one, hope you get to spend at least today in sweats! Hugs to ya and have a terrific week ahead. Mat




My layouts........These are pictures of My life~~My joys~~~My
treasures~~My everything!.
Doing these pages has relieved my stress somedays, helped
heal my heart on days that I think it is going to break, but
most of all I remember My wonderful family, friends, and
life. I'm hoping that these pictures will bring some joy to
others in the years to come and they too will remember the
good times and "yes" even the not so good times!